Thursday 8 April 2021

Ban Warfare Experiments on Animals - EDM 291 Campaign Response

Thank you to the many constituents who have recently go in touch with me regarding Warfare Experiments on Animals.

As a rule, I do not support Early Day Motions as they often do not get debated and have no legislative effect.

The UK has some of the highest animal welfare standards in the world and it is right for us to cement our status as a global leader by continuing to raise the bar now we have left the EU. It is welcome that the trade agreement struck with the EU recognises that voluntary cooperation on chemicals regulation can facilitate trade in ways that benefit consumers, businesses and the environment can contribute to enhancing the protection of human and animal health. I am pleased that the agreement also notes the UK’s and the EU’s commitment to facilitate the exchange for non-confidential information on the issue of chemicals.

I would like to reassure you that Ministers have stated their determination that there should be no need for any additional animal testing for a chemical that has already been registered to EU Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). I am pleased to say that the government will recognise the validity of any animal testing that has already been undertaken and so avoid the need for further testing. I am pleased that the Environment Bill already includes safeguards to protect the fundamental principles of REACH, and therefore the proposed amendment was not necessary. The grandfathering of all existing UK-held REACH registrations into the UK system will further avoid the need to duplicate animal testing associated with re-registration.

The UK will now be able to establish its own independent chemical regime. Although both the UK and EU will operate REACH frameworks, the two systems will not be linked. This means that companies wishing to retain access to the UK market will be required to notify and submit registration data to the Health and Safety Executive to confirm the registrations and ensure compliance with UK REACH.

I am very pleased that the UK has been at the forefront of opposing animal tests where alternative approaches could be used. This is known as the last-resort principle, which will be retained and enshrined in legislation through the Environment Bill.

If you would like to discuss this further or any other matter, then please do not hesitate to contact me.

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