Thursday 2 April 2020

West Briton column 2 April 2020 - COVID Update

As this paper is published we are approaching the end of our second week in lockdown as part of the measures to slow the COVID-19 pandemic and give our NHS every advantage possible in the fight against this horrible virus.

I would like to thank the vast majority of people who have stuck to the social distancing measures brought in by the Government and followed the message to Stay At Home where ever possible at this time.

In updates since I last wrote, the Chancellor has introduced the Self-employment Income Support Scheme, which will support self-employed individuals (including members of partnerships) whose income has been negatively impacted by COVID-19. The scheme will provide a grant to self-employed individuals or partnerships, worth 80% of their profits up to a cap of £2,500 per month.

The Government has now launched a Coronavirus Financial Support Hub, which provides the full range of business support measures have been made available to UK businesses and employees. This webpage helps businesses find out how to access the support that has been made available, who is eligible, when the schemes open and how to apply. You can find it by looking up:

I continue to be blown away by the efforts of volunteers on the ground throughout the Truro and Falmouth constituency. Every day I hear stories of people who have gone out of their way to be kind to a vulnerable neighbour, got shopping for people who cannot get it for themselves, or even given accommodation for frontline key workers who have to self isolate away from their families. It really is incredibly touching and an example of the amazing community spirit and sense of togetherness that we have here in Cornwall in spades.

If you want to join the national volunteer bank, NHS Volunteer Responders has been set up to support the NHS and the care sector during the COVID-19 outbreak. They need an 'army' of volunteers who can support the 1.5m people in England who are at most risk from the virus to stay well. Doctors, nurses, those working in local authorities and other professionals, will be able to refer people to NHS Volunteer Responders and be confident that they have been matched with a reliable, named volunteer. If you want to sign up, you can do so via :

On my website I now have a community hub where you can find information you can use to access support on a wide variety of issues through local and central and government, as well as my contact details and those of the local Cornwall Councillors and Parish Councils for the area. You can find it via the link below:

My continued thanks go to all of the key-workers who continue to put themselves out there to keep our country going and save lives during this difficult time. It was heartening on Thursday evening last week to see and hear what sounded like the whole of the nation clapping for our carers – an emotional display that shows just how much we support our NHS and care workers during this crisis.

My team and I are here to help during this crisis. If you have any issues, please email me at or call me on 0207 2193713 (messages will be picked up).
Please continue to follow the latest Government guidance and stay safe!

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