Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Newspaper Column 19th March 2024 - Cornwall's Tri-Service Officers

Last week in Parliament it was really good to welcome representatives from Cornwall’s Tri-Service Safety Officer (TSSO) programme to Westminster for an event to highlight this excellent Cornish trailblazer role to MPs from across the country.

The TSSO role is one that I am passionate about, and is something we have very much led the way on in Cornwall. TSSO’s are a unique innovative collaborative one between the Police, Fire and Health services. The role started in 2014 with a pilot in Hayle (West Cornwall) and has now developed into 13 full time positions, with more positions planned to be open as we head into 2024 and beyond. I am pleased to say that in Truro and Falmouth we currently have a TSSO in Perranporth and I have been pushing to get another officer to serve the rural communities on the Roseland.


The role focuses on prevention, early intervention and reducing vulnerability. When tasked through either service they look to problem solve from a multi-agency perspective. A basic example - while attending a police neighbourhood dispute they may fit a smoke alarm, make a health referral, and signpost a family to a third sector organisation. They also explore suitable pathways to Cornwall Councils services and support. This is to ensure the highest levels of safeguarding are in place for vulnerable members of our communities which the TSSO’s lead on. Problem solving is further enhanced by having access to data across all the services with Information Sharing Agreements in Place.


The TSSO’s have some limited police powers under the community safety accredited scheme (CSAS), are retained fire fighters and in addition offer an emergency response for the ambulance service as community responders.


The TSSOs are highly skilled motivated professionals there is a bespoke training package developed for them in Cornwall. The team in Cornwall are happy to share their journey and all documents and practices learned. Within this library of documents there are two extensive and thorough independent evaluations evidencing the significant value of the role. The TSSO’s are held to the highest standards of all three services.


Apart from the emergency response work, which takes up less than 10% of their time, the role also focuses on improving individuals and communities focussing on vulnerability, particularly in deprived areas and in rural communities that have not traditionally benefitted from a significant emergency presence based in them.


Working smarter together to address these issues is an obvious and smart solution, and in doing so the use of TSSO’s reduces frontline demand and improves the quality of lives for individuals and makes communities safer.


Last week it was great to be able to introduce our Cornish TSSO team to colleagues in Parliament and even have them meet the Policing Minister to share their firsthand experience of the role and how much it benefits the communities the officers serve in. I hope that the TSSO role’s success will be noted and that this will be another good example of a positive Cornish story that can be rolled out nationally to benefit people around the UK in the future.


As always, I am fully focused on the job at hand and if there is ever anything at all I

can do to help, then please do not hesitate to contact me. Please get in touch with

me by email at Cherilyn.mackrory.mp@parliament.uk, or by telephone on 01872

229698. My regular constituency advice surgeries are held in a covid-safe

environment at my office, so please do get in touch should you wish to meet me

about any matters that I can be of assistance with.


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